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    (absente jusqu'au 25 juillet)

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  • J'enchaîne ma vie à des zéros en vadrouille dans mes copies

    je risque d'être bien absente, cette année, bien absente mais pas fanée !

    La grande école m'ouvre les bras, et me coupe le cerveau en deux, alors j'oublie tout, même d'écrire !

    Je pense poster, peut-être plus souvent, en tout cas certainement plus petit, des posts anodins, légers, anonymes, sur ma vie et ses ennuis.

    Mais pas d'inquiétude ! Je suis et serai toujours en recherche de poésie, je suis sûre qu'entre deux matrices, on en trouve derrière les chiffres et les parenthèses, les exos de physiques et les journées-marathons, les cours de bio et ceux de programmation. La poésie, c'est un nuage bleu dans un ciel blanc, alors par une contraposée absurde, on déclare qu'elle aime se cacher sous les vecteurs et les claviers !

    Ça m'enthousiasme, ça m'enthousiasme, mais ça m'épuise, ça m'épuise !

    À tout bientôt, je vous écrirai vite.



    2 commentaires


    Samedi 5 septembre :

    Journée du "Vous êtes super!"


    Complimentez les gens que vous aimez

    ceux que vous n'aimez pas

    ceux que vous n'aimez plus;

    les inconnus

    les gens connus

    et les absents

    les passants

    les impatients

    les patients

    et ceux qui marchent de l'autre côté du trottoir;

    vous êtes super;

    dites-le à tout le monde

    à toute la ville

    (toute la vie)

    à vous


    n'oublie pas

    tu es super.

    (et surtout, pensez-le)


    Moi je le pense


    tu es super.

    4 commentaires
  • Hey you ! I'm still alive !
    Great job, isn't it ?

    I must confess... I really enjoy the whole i-have-no-internet-in-holidays pack. So i try to make it last.

    I'm back home, for like... 24 hours, and if i try to sum up all the days i spent in my town since the holidays' beginning, i don't think i come close to a week. And i hope to achieve it till the end of the summer ! Not a whole week spent here, do you think i can do it ?

    I'm trying though. I escape. I'm nowhere to be found, nowhere to be heard.

    I was hidden in the mountains, under the lake, near to the sea; in a tent, in a tiny apartment, in so many trains, cars, boats, subways, buses. I was lost, and i lost myself. I just found back a hand of grey and smooth sand, a single stolen picture of him, some great laughs, some dances in the dark, under the sky, under the stars, under the lake; i found remorses, and peace; i've even written a tiny book; i've made many wishes, and dreams, and plans, and partys; i've made noise, and love; i didn't spend one whole week home.

    I really enjoyed it.

    Still, it was full of surprises, you know ? I was astonished to find myself no grown-up at all in the inside, even if i was on the outside; but don't worry, don't worry sweetie, i'm presently carefully watering myself, i'll grow up well. I have a great tutor, two firm arms who can catch me if i bend too much, and dreams, so sweet dreams; like becoming myself, and i've got some good remixes of these old songs. Dreams like becoming blue, or full of sparkles, or clouds, or laughs, or light, light like my name that doesn't touch the ground.

     It feels great when you hit the road, when you spend time with your loved ones, or your friends. But it is much better when the two are mixed up. Summer songs caught me like a butterfly, and they sent me on the roads. I think it explains why i don't like staying here, in my pretty little town, during holidays. I'm just trying to run the roads, to run after songs and friends and summer, and warmth and unknown lands and sweet mountains. I'm just running after the sun and it doesn't stop anywhere. I'm running after the skyline, and it moves as quick as most of my dreams.

    I didn't want to stop in Lausanne because i don't want the summer to end.

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